Snoring can have a huge impact on relationships, and could also be affecting your health.
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
Snoring is no joking matter! It is a sign of airway obstruction and can be an indication of a medical condition called sleep apnoea. Snoring can have a huge impact on relationships, and could also be affecting your health.
Dental Sleep Appliances – the least invasive solution
Custom made, adjustable dental sleep appliances are scientifically proven and widely regarded by sleep physicians as the best available treatment for snoring and a frontline treatment for mild to moderate sleep apnoea.
Dental sleep appliances are comfortable and easy to use with studies demonstrating great effectiveness in overcoming snoring.
Do you also have sleep apnoea?
If you snore you also might have sleep apnoea. It is possible to have significant sleep apnoea even if no one has seen or heard you stop breathing. Even partial obstructions can have a severe impact on health and quality of life.
If you wake feeling somewhat unrefreshed and are sleepy during the day then your snoring may be more than just a noise.
Up to 70% of adults who regularly snore have sleep apnoea, with most unaware they have this condition. Sleep apnoea is caused by soft tissues in the throat, including the tongue, collapsing against the back of the throat. This obstructs the upper airway and air flow is reduced.
This cycle of obstruction and then breathing can occur many times per hour disrupting the quality of sleep. Sleep apnoea can contribute to high blood pressure, heart and health problems and is an important cause of excessive daytime sleepiness.
Recent guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the peak body in the field, recognise dental sleep appliances as a frontline treatment for snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnoea. In severe cases of sleep apnoea the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is the optimal treatment, in which air pressure of adjustable intensity is delivered through a mask worn during sleep. However many people find CPAP very difficult, or just cannot use it. Dental sleep appliances are an excellent alternative therapy for people with severe sleep apnoea when CPAP is not tolerated, or when travelling, camping, or in any situation with no access to electricity.Recent guidelines from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, the peak body in the field, recognise dental sleep appliances as a frontline treatment for snoring and mild-to-moderate sleep apnoea. In severe cases of sleep apnoea the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is the optimal treatment, in which air pressure of adjustable intensity is delivered through a mask worn during sleep. However many people find CPAP very difficult, or just cannot use it. Dental sleep appliances are an excellent alternative therapy for people with severe sleep apnoea when CPAP is not tolerated, or when travelling, camping, or in any situation with no access to electricity.
How does the dental sleep appliance work?
Dental sleep appliances work by comfortably holding the lower jaw forward, which prevents the tongue and structures at the back of the throat from collapsing into the airway. For those who respond well to this therapy, the appliance also allows muscles to support the airway and keep it open.
Do you have sleep apnoea?
It is important to distinguish between:
- People who only snore.
- People who snore and also have sleep apnoea, an important medical condition.
- Do you snore loudly?
- Is your snoring a problem for others?
- Do you wake feeling unrefreshed?
- Are you somewhat sleepy during the day?
- Has anyone heard you snort, gasp, or hold your breath during sleep?
- If you answered yes to one or more of these questions you may be suffering from more than just snoring, you may have obstructive sleep apnoea.
It is recommended you call our practice to be assessed with a diagnostic sleep study.
Diagnosing Sleep Apnoea
An overnight sleep test is the only way of diagnosing sleep apnoea. The sleep test is important not just to determine whether you have sleep apnoea, but also the severity. The severity is an important factor in determining the optimal treatment. We can assist in referring you to your medical practitioner who can arrange a sleep study. We can only provide a dental sleep appliance when there is a definitive diagnosis and you have been referred by your doctor or a sleep physician.
Are dental sleep appliances comfortable to wear?
Although the mouth is a very sensitive area, the vast majority of people adapt within a night or two and find the appliance surprisingly comfortable.
Are all dental sleep appliances the same?
Not all dental sleep appliances are the same. Current scientific research demonstrates that custom made appliances made by an appropriately trained dentist, from impressions and models of the patient’s own teeth are by far the most effective, comfortable type of appliances. Our clinic works in close association with laboratories whoy specialises in the manufacture of an extensive range of high quality custom made dental sleep appliances.
While there are also “boil and bite” devices available from the internet and some pharmacies these are non custom made plastic shells, one size fits all, and are mostly non adjustable. These non – prescription devices are uncomfortable devices and have the potential to cause significant side-effects even in the short term.
How long does a dental sleep appliance last?
If you don’t clench or grind your teeth a dental sleep appliance can last for 4 or 5 years and often much longer.
Even if you do clench or grind your teeth an appliance can still last for years and has the added benefit of protecting your teeth and dental work.
Dental Laboratory
Our clinic works in close association with laboratory specialises in the manufacture of an extensive range of high quality custom made dental sleep appliances.
Chris Lloyd
Carmel Lloyd
Himaja D S
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Praesent egestas eleifend porta. Sed posuere venenatis libero quis tempor. Nulla metus mi, malesuada eu risus nec, placerat imperdiet ex.